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About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a healthy-life movement by building a mentally and physically healthy community and providing the right information and the most suitable solution for managing mental health.

How We Started

Priscilla was inspired to create Stress Management Indonesia on October 7th, 2014, to create a healthy-life movement by building a mentally and physically healthy community focusing on providing the right information and the most suitable solution for managing mental health in holistic way.

person holding blue ceramic mug and white magazine
person about to lift barbell


Stress Management Indonesia believes that a combination of physical and mental health is the most optimal tool for dealing with stress and improving the quality of life.

golden hour photography of woman in red and white checkered dress shirt


With an increase in physical and mental condition, it automatically increases a person's resilience in the face of stress by increasing the level of happiness.

woman in black tank top and black pants sitting on green grass field during daytime


Increased levels of happiness are marked by clarity of mind so that each individual can sort out more realistic expectations based on available data and facts. Progress will be made slowly but surely.

Why Us?

Based on data and facts

All the methods we use have been proven effective based on expert research.


The programs we provide are based on current data and facts to get maximum results.

Easy to practice

All the self-improvement methods that we provide can be applied every day.